Constipation With Susruta Ayurveda

Understanding Constipation with Susruta Ayurveda

What is constipation?

Constipation is a very common gastroenterological disorder experienced by almost one-fifth of the population. Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass and is a common cause of painful defecation.

Characterized by

  • passing hard stool
  • Incomplete emptying of Bowel
  • Straining
  • Reduced frequency of stool 3 times or less than 3 times in a week
  • Manual maneuvers to pass stool

It must include 2 or more 2 characters from the list.

You can assess the level of constipation with the character of the stool as per the Bristal stool chart which is available on the Internet

Causes of Constipation 

  • Stress
  • Lack of intestinal movement
  • Diabetes
  • Less fluid intake
  • Less fiber diet intake
  • Iron or Aluminum supplement
  • Pregnancy
  • Late night awakening

Types – It may be acute or chronic



The basic aim of treatment is to find out the cause and treat it.

  1. Dietary adjustment: Fibre supplementation is the first line of therapy for normal or slow transit constipation e.g. Wheat bran, vegetables, fruits, mucilage, corn, and cellulose.
  2. Behavioral therapy: Habit training is important to achieve regular defecation. The patient is advised to attempt defecation after meals when colonic motility is maximum.
  3. Drug Treatment: Include consumption of Laxatives which may be of   Osmotic, Stimulant, Bulk-forming (fiber) type or a softener or maybe Lubricant

But there are some limitations to this treatment as long-term intake may cause some structural changes in the gut mucosa

  • Other adverse effects- interference with co-concomitant drug

How AYURVEDA can help you? 

But to treat constipation is more straightforward with Ayurveda, and how it is achieved let’s find out

Firstly as per Ayurveda principles – Eliminate the cause of constipation by avoiding stress or more liquid intake if these are the causes.

The line of treatment for constipation includes fomentation, massage, tub baths, suppositories, and enema, and having foods and drinks which are laxative.

Rasa’s role in stool evacuation

  • sweet, sour, and saline tastes are useful for the elimination of stool whereas drugs and diets having pungent, bitter, and astringent taste creates difficulty in the elimination of stool.

Virechana is a therapeutic modality to treat constipation which is of majorly 3 types

  • Sukha Virechana/ easy purgation) e.g;  Trivrit  (Operculina turpethum)
  •  Mridu  virechana /mild  purgation) e.g;  Aragvadha  (Cassia fistula)
  • Tikshna Virechana /strong purgation) e.g; Milk of sushi (Achyranthes Aspera)

Some Ayurveda Literature drugs are also having good results like

  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Aragvadha (Cassia fistula)
  • Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
  • Trivrit (Operculina turpethum)
  • Isabgol (Plantago Ovata)

Lastly simpler one which is readily available at your Home- A glass of Luke’s warm Water

To experience good results please consult your Ayurveda Doctor before intake or visit our site to take an appointment

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