
Best Way to Treat Acene Through Ayurveda

Acene/Yauvanpidika stands for eruptions that occur on the face of a young known as Yuvanpidika. Occasionally it can appear on the upper chest and back Sometimes it may appear on the upper chest & back but generally, it manifests on facial skin only and this might be the reason that word Mukhdushika has been used as a synonym of Yauvanpidika in many places.

Yauvanpidika consist of two words i.e., Yauvan Pidika

Yauvan- Derived from the root word ‘Yu with suffix ‘Ann’ which stands for youth/young individual

Pidika- circular swelling like Pinda (papule, pustule, nodule, etc.) is called Pidika.

Vernacular Name: –

  • Sanskrit – Yauvan Pitika, Mukh-Dushika, Tarunya Pidika.
  • Hindi – Keel, Muhanse.
  • English – Pimples.
  • Latin – Acne, Acne Vulgaris.
  • Gujarati – Khila.
  • Punjabi – Keel.

Nidana Panchak:

As per Ayurveda Vata, Pitta & Kapha, collectively control the healthy and diseased state of the body. Their equilibrium pretends to be a healthy state while the disturbed state leads to any disease or disorders. The pathological cycle is well explained by Acharya Sushruta in six stages as Shhat Kriyakala’. The Nidana Panchaka is nothing but a full horoscope of a disease.

Causative factors/Nidana:

Nidan-Panchak of Yuvanpidika is very briefly given in Ayurveda. Mainly disturbed Kapha, Vata, and Rakta Doshas are considered a major cause of Yuvanpidika. Acharya Charak also included Pitta Dosha along with the above-mentioned Doshas.

  • As per Ayurved’s point of view, there is a Medogarbhta (Medo Dhatu inside the Acene) so disturbance of Meda Dhatu can also be a causative factor.
  • Occurrence of acene to appear in young age group, Vulnerable age group can also be a cause.
  • Secretion of some hormones or enzymes like androgen, and testosterone starts to secret during this age which leads to making this change on the face.
  • As Acharya Sharangdhara has said stickiness over face (Vaktre Snighta) skin and formation of the boil (Pidikottpati), as Mala (a waste productof Shukra Dhatu which also support by above paragraph that during above said age Shukra Dhatu starts to appear.


 Aharaj / Dietary factors Vihara / Lifestyle or behavioral factors Mansika/ Mental factors
MadhurAmla, Lavan Bhuktavadivaswap (Sleeping just after food intake)  Krodh (Excessive anger)
Katu, Kashaya, Kshara (Excessive intake of sweet, sour, salty diet) Chardivegapratirodh (holding the urge of vomiting) Bhaya (Excessive fear/scared)
Ushna, Tikshna, Vidahi (intake of hot, spicy, or burning causing food articles Adhik Shrama (excessive physical work) Shoka (Excessively sad)
Laghu, Ruksha, Shita (intake of dry, light, and cold food articles Vyavay (excessive indulgence in sexual activity)  
Pichhchhila, Abhishyandi (intake of slimy or heavy food) Atijagaran (Night wakening)  
Pinyak, Kulttha, Masha, Nishpav Atiraktasravan  
Takra (butter milk), Dadhi (Curd) (Amla), Mastu, Sukta Atilanghana (Excessive skipping of food/fasting)    
Tila, Sauvirak ,Haritvarga Vegadharan (holding of natural urges)  
  Ajirna (Indigestion), Adhyashana (overeating), Viruddhasan (faulty eating)  
  Abhighat (trauma)       


Purva Roopa/ premonitory signs:

For Yauvanpidika, no specific premonitory signs and symptoms are mentioned however mild stickiness and irritation in form of Alpattvatahetu evam Lakshana may be regarded as Purvarupa.

Roopa/Signs and symptoms:

The main signs and symptoms that occur in the associated form of Acene are –

  • Kandu (Itching)
  • Daha (Burning)
  • Paka (Suppuration)
  • Shoth (inflammation)
  • Vaivarnyata (Discolouration)

Treatment /Chikitsa:

Acene is treatment using internal medical as well as external topical application of medicaments.

  • Internal– Oral intake of Raaktashodhak medicines like Manjisthadi Kwath, Lodhra churna, Neem Churna, kesor guggul, Gandhak Rasayan 
  • External – Application of Mukhalepas/ face pack of drugs like Turmeric, Lodhra, Neem, or Kumkumadi Taila
  • Therapies – Vaman, Virechna, Nasya, Leech therapy, etc.

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