Heidi Roizen

Heidi Roizen: Personal Life and Professional Career

Heidi Roizen is a full-fletched venture capitalist who is currently employed by Apple. In the beginning, she was an operator in Silicon Valley and used her connections to become a successful venture capitalist. The traits that set her to success are related to networking and communication. Particularly, the capacity to blend social connections and professional communication along with the concept of reciprocity is very appreciated by Roizen. According to her, she spent a long time trying to build her network on a range of communication styles, starting with short conversations, and culminating in meetings (Mooney). Whatever the length of the communication the lasting impression is the result, thereby affecting the relationships between those on the other side. For Roizen, this strategy was productive and successful in her personal life as well as professional endeavors.

According to the principle of reciprocity, Roizen believes it is vital to know the requirements of the person you are competing with (McGinn as well as Tempest 8.). Sometimes, one has to engage in lengthy negotiations to understand what people they are working with need. When both sides are able to communicate and the process accelerates, it is built on long-lasting and solid relationships. The case study indicates that Roizen utilized her network to make contact with people who were in close proximity to one another only in the event that she was certain of the positive results from these strategies. In order to keep and increase her network the capitalist constantly sought to reach out to people by engaging them with clever and innovative concepts and solutions, as well as taking their suggestions on an issue or another business problem.

From the case study, it is clear that Roizen recognized the importance of networking right from the start of her professional career. As a graduate in creative writing as well as a love of writing, she was able to join the tech industry which was not easy to achieve, particularly when you consider how women weren’t typically represented in this field (Ruch as well as Nazemetz 165, 165). The particular action that assisted her to build a successful social network in the way it is today could be described as the maximization of social interactions. That is the try to connect in the most effective way possible to attain the essential quality of a successful individual the so-called social capital – the accessibility of business contacts and the capacity to create an effective network of relationships.

Making the right connections, Roizen considers the process of networking as the searching and growth of relationships that is, where the reciprocal exchange of knowledge and knowledge contributes to the successful outcomes for both sides who communicate (Mooney). It was based on the active interaction with a variety of people which produced the following results expanding contacts that aid in the development of business and resolve various issues and challenges, the development of her personal communication abilities, and enjoyment of interacting with intelligent and interesting people.

Heidi RoizenThe idea of networking evolved during the course of Roizen’s career. If she was determined to connect with new people and to communicate with them to reach her goals while at her first job, she realized that positive aspects of networking are based upon a sense of what she can do to be of value to someone else and the genuine determination to help others. This like a boomerang returns to their cheerful disposition, and some intriguing opportunities (Gulati and others. 516). In her employment in T/Maker and Apple as a venture capitalist, she adheres to the rules of networking, which dictate the dissemination and use of exclusively positive data, as well as an ethical restriction of information that isn’t appropriate to be used in business. Therefore, the positive feelings that are a part of any communication and a well-crafted dialogue could transform a situation of conflict into a winning opportunity and a crisis into a possibility to be an enormous success in the field of career or in business.

The focus of the moment is directed toward maintaining the current network, which has been enlarged and now includes the most prominent CEOs, funders, etc. Roizen thinks that the importance of networking does not mean being just to the appropriate people but also the morality of the relationships in which everyone is winning (McGinn as well as Tempest 7.). This is how we live our life where communication serves as a point of entry as a means of self-education and self-development. It is imperative to emphasize that Roizen says that the idea of networking goes beyond only business relationships. As a way to live it is accepted by people from various social groups and estates. This is the art of having friends with a lot of people. It is fascinating and requires continuous attention and personal growth.

For suggestions for Roizen to expand her network, it’s possible to observe that she reviews a variety of business plans every day and is required to analyze the plans, which takes a significant amount of time. In reality, Roizen experiences a lack of time dedicated to maintaining her network. In this respect, it is advised to concentrate your efforts to keep relationships in order to keep your network competitive and efficient.

Human Resource Manager’s Career Opportunities

Human Resource

Human Resource Manager’s Career Options

Human Resource, this research paper outlines certain aspects of a career in the field of Human Resource management. The Human Resource job is significant since it requires the management of one of the most important resources – the human resources of any company. Therefore, it is essential to realize how human resource management (HRM) is nowadays regarded as a crucial element to overall success. Human resource managers require extensive training and various sets of competencies in the areas of finance, legal, and psychology as well as other pertinent knowledge that can help them fulfill their job. It is crucial to be aware of what the future will bring to HR management.

Overview of Human Resources

Human resource management is a process that aims to assist organizations in achieving their goals through the efficient management of staff. Human resource management seeks to find a balance between employees, job satisfaction, and productivity. In this sense, efficient HR management is found to be linked to improved productivity, improved management change, as well as a positive lifestyle quality (Mathis and Jackson 2010,).

Human resource professionals and academics agree that HR functions are constantly changing. Thus those in charge of HR management for the coming years have to be prepared for these dynamisms in order to be able to surpass the norm. Many organizations claim that the development of their human resources is essential for their capability to compete and thrive in global markets. Human resource managers previously were specifically responsible for the areas of policy and administration. Nowadays, however, the responsibilities of human resource managers have evolved and have become highly ambiguous. They are changing in response to strategies, workforce demands changes in the industry, and focusing on the use of human resources’ talents to create an advantage in competition. In the same way, HR managers increasingly find themselves as consultants, assisting senior executives and managers to improve their interaction with staff.

Functionally, human resource management is broader and includes hiring and selection, the planning of rewards and compensation and designing jobs as well as career development as well as training and development, and also dismissal.

HR recruits tend to concentrate on roles that are not specialized and other functions that rotate. However, graduates are more likely to be focusing on more advanced strategies for human resources management. Human resource management is an effective application of the various disciplines within the field to facilitate changes in the organization and generate the value of change through management. Change management covers the skills and skills required to start and manage change, as well as employ tools to facilitate changes.

In light of these changes, HR professionals are constantly challenged to improve their knowledge and skills to handle the complexities of change effectively. They must also be aware of how to make use of tools for change to maximize value. While HR managers are able to manage some aspects of managing change within their company, it is essential to understand that the majority of companies prefer using consultants to manage the process of change. As companies shift their focus towards people management HR managers can be from any department and require a strong background in strategic management, finance and business expertise.

Today, many companies concentrate on applicants who have MBA qualifications to fill your HR team. As the competition for HR jobs is increasing, students enrolled in economics and business courses are able to make the move into the HR field. They are expected to individuals will bring a sense of creativity and the ability to adapt innovative ideas and embrace the changing times.

Heidi Roizen: Personal Life and Professional Career

Current Trends and Job Outlook

Human resource professionals are employed practically in every company and industry. They typically work for organizations working during normal hours, and also full-time. The job could require travel to other companies or recruiting new employees outside of the organization.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics offers a positive outlook for the work of human resource managers. It is predicted to increase by 13% between the years 2012-2022 similar to other occupations (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2015).

The increasing demand for HR professionals can be attributable to new businesses and those that have already expanded their operations to new regions. Thus, competition is likely to grow for the top talent for HR administration.

Academics have also pointed out that HR professionals of the present are faced with challenges, and provide new opportunities. Stone and Deadrick (2015) as an example, pointed out globalization, economic changes as well as the growing diversity of local labor markets, as well as changing technologies as factors that have led to new requirements. However they have taken HR management in new directions that offer opportunities for employees, the HR department, its employees, and even organizations (Stone and Deadrick, 2015).

While there are some external changes, however, there are fundamental changes in the workforce all over the world. These changes put immense pressure on HR personnel and their organizations to create specific, unique strategies to develop, train and integrate the most effective employees in these fast-paced shifts. Thus, employers must leverage the HR department to manage these shifts and establish themselves as the best employers that can attract talented workers.

HR managers need to concentrate on recent trends in the evolution of the nature of employees’ duties, the future workforce, and changes in the business environment. HR professionals will need to think about their strategies, and adjust forward even more quickly to future developments in technology, demographics, and social conditions while adapting their processes to changes (SHRM Foundation 2014).

Human ResourceThe Future of Human Resource Management

Recent research has proven that the future trends in HR management are caused by expectations for the workforce and emerging technologies, increasing globalization, and increasing demands for agility resulting from unknown operational requirements. Human resource professionals of the present will have to deal with unfamiliar, unrecognizable environments. Thus, they have to be prepared and responsive. This is why research has revealed major trends that are likely to alter human resource management practices at least over the next couple of years (Coombes 2014).

First, significant shifts will continue to be noticed in the workforce. Modern corporations are expected to collaborate in a constantly changing, global, and regional network of associates, employees affiliates, affiliates, as well as outsourced service suppliers. As employees expand beyond the boundaries of their companies Human resource managers will need to focus on employees within and outside of their organization.

Second, the job that HR has will change to managing individuals, not people. Employers will need to focus on a particular individual rather than relying on the same model for everyone. Therefore, the preferences of employees and needs will be tailored specifically to their needs.

Third, as technology advances and new trends in HR methods are becoming apparent. The tools like analytics, social media cloud computing, and analytics continue to change HR practices as well as provide the best methods for managers to utilize their talents.

Fourth, HR recruitment agencies now concentrate on global recruitment, as demand and supply do not be able to meet in the regional market. Therefore, the diversity of workforces is increasing as human resource departments concentrate on effective recruitment strategies to attract the best talent for multinational companies.

Fifth HR managers will be required to build agile companies by recruiting employees. The business environment is uncertain, which means that businesses can only get an edge in their workforce to stay in the game and be successful. HR practices also need to change to keep up with the changing demands of companies striving to attract top talent.

Sixth, significant changes that will shape HR practices will result from the latest knowledge gained from the field of brain science and human behavior. Analytics will play an important role in future HR practices, with the goal of identifying the most effective employees and achieving better results.

Additionally, it is crucial to be aware that social media can result in an environment that is more transparent. HR managers must keep an eye on privacy when they confront more threats posed by new technologies. Additionally, HR managers will have to be aware of how the HR department will be able to improve the collaboration between other departments and use their skills at any moment for their companies.

These trends are likely to influence HR practices, with a wide-ranging impact. Thus HR professionals will have to create a range of management techniques to manage a rapidly changing globally-oriented, knowledge-driven workforce.


This study reveals some of the most important aspects of managing human resources including changing management of change, the latest trends, challenges, as well as what the future holds for HR methods. HR managers need to be aware of these changes while leveraging unprecedented opportunities to build flexible businesses through human capital. However, HR managers who are not able to adapt will soon become obsolete.


Generational Differences in work and Career Growth

Generation as a valid method of stratification in society was first introduced in the work of Mannheim during the year 1952. It was among the most important fields of study that needed to be studied to further understand the area of sociology (Mannheim 1952). In this way, Mannheim tried to gain an understanding of the existing foundation of knowledge. Mannheim utilized this knowledge to research the development of conservative thinking in contemporary society (Turner 1999). Understanding the different generations in any social structure is vital to the development and expansion of a particular society (Coates 2007).

Generational gaps in the lives of those who are young and old generally occur because of many reasons. The majority of these causes are due to the rapid change in the social life of the two groups. Members of both groups have divergent interests with regard to music fashion, politics, and culture as well as the way they communicate. These differences first began to manifest their own in the 1950s and 1960s. There were many changes in the social scene since the old-fashioned dating patterns changed primarily because of the enormous impact of media at the time. The teens were bopping to the music that was quite different than the music that their parents favored. Additionally, the films that were released at this time featured children who were rebellious. The primary focus of these films during the period was young rebels who were willing to do everything to earn an income which was the consequence of the difficult time that was in the air. These facts led to a new generation of the generation known as baby boomers. They saw themselves as very fashionable. A large part of their influence came from the music-rock scene that was popular in the era. The people in this age group are between 45 and 65. These people have distinct particular characteristics. They are, for instance, the majority of them aren’t open to new ideas or technology.

People born between the years 1970 and 1980 are part of Generation X. The source term “Generation X” came because of the high level of drug abuse that was prevalent among parents of the time. Many of these parents did not take care of their children. In the end, people from this generation were considered lazy people (Strauss and Howe 1991). The members of this generation are in their 30s and 40s. The majority of them are educated since more than half went to college. Additionally, the majority of individuals are ethnically multi-ethnic. They have good jobs. They are also extremely adventurous, as they are always testing innovative ideas and new technologies. The generation that is currently experiencing the highest divorce rates because the family values of the time were changing. Women are more liberal, and a significant percentage of them are in the working world.

Generation Y is the generation born between the mid-1980s and the early 1990s. They are also referred to as Generation Y or the Millennial generation. The millennial generation is the largest and most varied of history since their parents are the baby boomers or generation the X generation. They are generally aware of the latest technology and how to use the internet efficiently. They prefer learning spaces that comprise teamwork and technology. They possess the ‘can-do’ mindset of a veteran, the ability to work in teams (similar to those of baby boomers) as well as the technical expertise of Generation X.

GenerationOur Case Study

I am 25 and consequently, I am a part of the Generation Y class. The interview I did was conducted with a 57-year-old bank manager named” Mr. Jones. He is 57 years old. Jones belongs to the baby boomer generational group. He’s married and has 2 kids: a son, Jason aged 24, and a daughter Ashley who is 19 years old. His two children are students at college. He has a wife who is a homemaker and has an artisanal grocery store which she sells to his local neighborhood.

The purpose of the interview was to discover the diverse generational differences that exist in relation to working and career advancement. Generational differences are the core characteristics and capabilities of individuals who are part of an identical age bracket. He. Jones belongs to the baby boomer generation, which was previous knowledge I had. We spoke about the significant moments that happened throughout his life. He informed me that he was a soldier in Vietnam and that life was extremely difficult after the war. Two parents and an at-home mother who made his childhood one worthy of remembering helped raise him. The family was the most important thing in their age, which does not seem necessarily the way it is for the present generation of parents, as there is a large number in divorce proceedings. He has lived a lifestyle of hard work and caring for the family with food and shelter. According to him, the people of today appear to be apathetic to responsibility, unlike the people who lived in the past. Additionally, they do not consider family time as important since they’re more focused on their jobs and have the impression that women must be at home, and care for their children, just as their wives and mother.

In the 1950s, men were expected to work and women were expected to care for the home and take on the emotional burden for the entire family (Moen 1998). This division of labor reduced the effect on the family members in the event that the father needed to work additional hours to his work schedule or had to leave for a prolonged period of time as the job demanded it (Moen 1998). The breadwinner was a father and the spouse was a housekeeper. so the roles of emotional were split because the father was worried about the financial stability of his family and the wife was expected to provide security for the family’s emotional well-being. In general, in this in mind, many born into the baby boomers prefer wives who are stay-at-home moms as rather than working women. They believe that each spouse will be aware of the role they play in the family, and there will be greater trust when it comes to handling the responsibilities that come from home. Work-related women are seen as a source of concern because they can blur gender lines that define the role of men in work-related matters and women’s role in life-related concerns (Quick and colleagues 2004).

He. Jones thinks that nowadays gender roles are less established and the employees who he is working with today deal with the homemaking aspect and breadmaking. This has resulted in increasing concerns about personal issues when they ought to be at work. The intrusion into their personal life at the workplace can lead to worry about their jobs while they should be at home relaxing (Quick and colleagues 2004).

Baby boomers are the generation that has the lowest amount of experience, and also the most significant change in gender roles in the workplace. Workplace changes were prone to fade in their working lives, which is why they struggle to adapt to these changes in the present. For them, when they entered the workforce they believed that a successful job was one who was dedicated to a long-term job within the organization and who did not allow personal issues to interfere with life at work (Moen 1998). They certainly cared about their families, however, they weren’t expected to demonstrate this in the workplace.

Women born during the baby boomer generation was in its prime were expected to be housewives and those lucky enough to get into work acted similarly. They were extremely exigent and controlled so they did not express emotions. They were the male baby boomers without any difference. The majority of them were left alone because their plans did not include an at-home husband which was a huge mistake.

The balance between work and life for baby boomers is extremely unstable as they’ve experienced a variety of changes in changing gender roles at work. Gen X employees category has a history of women working in the workplace, and, as a result, have gained acceptance for the idea. They are able to cut down their careers if they feel the way it affects their lives. Because of the lack of attention that a majority of them endured in their childhood, they are more likely to feel resentment about the amount of time and energy they put into their work. The millennials are the smallest segment of the workforce since they are the most youthful group. They struggle to manage work and personal life. They are prone to taking pleasure in or. They expect an environment that is diverse.

Baby boomers have tried to accept women at their workplaces and give them more respect and the contributions they make. Baby boomers prefer to be in control and that is why the majority of them work in higher positions at work. They love to shine in their workplaces and often have a lot of potential for the department they are employed in. They are more than happy to share their ideas with colleagues so long as they receive the respect they deserve. They enjoy taking on risky initiatives but are careful to avoid taking responsibility in the event of failure. Technology is a problem for them since they are not technologically proficient.

At work, it is important to ensure that there must be a balance among these distinct generational groups (baby boomers and Generation X) and be aware of how each can help reduce conflict and sub-performance. With the imminent retirement of many baby boomers, employers must strive to draw in and embrace all of these generations’ groups since they each bring their own aspects to the workplace in general. The workplace policies and leadership strategies might need to be re-examined in dealing with issues that concern inclusion, recognition, and alignment of the generation’s beliefs of workers to achieve a better balance between work and life (Deloitte 2006)


It’s extremely difficult to locate a single kind of generational group in a prosperous workplace. The various elements of baby boomers generation x and generation y, are essential for a company to be successful. Bridge the gap between generations requires an understanding of all generations’ differences. Generational differences could result in a lot and frustration, but the leaders of the organizations must understand every one of them and recognize their positive contributions to the business.

Career Choice and Diploma Despair