The two words Agni and Karma unite to forms a unique term or procedure i.e., Agnikarma which means “the act / Karma which take place by nature of Agni to spread in upward direction”. When it is done with the help of various Dravya to transfer heat to different parts of the body or organs to produce Samyaka Dagdha Vrana is called Agnikarma, superior to other para-surgical procedures like Siravedha (Bloodletting), Jalokaavcharna (leech therapy), and Ksharkarma (caustic).

Agnikarma and Sushruta Samhita

Acharya Sushruta has given a great contribution to Ayurveda regarding Agnikarma Chikitsa. Nowadays this Agnikarma procedure is modified scientifically as electric cauterization which is used for various therapeutic purposes starting from minor surgical procedures to major surgical procedures.

In the context of the Shonitavarnaniya chapter in Sutrasthana four types of procedures (Sandhana, Skandana, Pachana and, Dahana) have been mentioned to control the bleeding. Dahana is the last procedure for stoppage of bleeding when the other three procedures are failed, Bloodless surgery is evolved from this principle.

Classification of Agnikarma: –

1.According to Dhatu involved: Twak Dagdha &Mamsa Dagdha

2. According to Dravya used for Dahana:

  • Snigdha Dagdha– by Madhu, Ghrita, used in disorders of Sira, Snayu, Asthi, and Sandhi
  • Ruksha Dagdha -Loha, Pippali, Sara, Shalaka, etc. to manage the disorders which are treatable by Twak Dagdha and Mamsa Dagdha.

The material used for Dahankarma

1. Materials useful for Twak Dagdha are:

  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Ajashakrut (fecal pellets of goat)
  • Godanta (Moon stone)
  • Shara (arrow like device)
  • Shalaka (rod of metal)
  • Suryakanta and Varti (mentioned by Vagbhata)

2. Materials useful for Mamsa Dagdha are: –

  • Jambaustha (device resemble like Jambu) and other metallic instruments
  • Madhu (honey)
  • Guda (jaggary)
  • Sneha (oil/ghee) (Vagbhata)
  • Materials useful for Sira, Snayu, Asthi and Sandhi are: –
  • Madhu (honey)
  • Guda (jaggary)
  • Sneha(oil/ghee)
  • Jambaustha mentioned by Vagbhata

Dahana Shalaka:

  • Due to quick transfer of heat in Tamra and Rajat Shalaka Atidagdha Vrana develops. Samyaka Dagdha Vrana is done by using Loha Shalaka as it become red hot and cool down soon afterwards. But it is suggested that solitary metal Shalaka is not be used as ideal Shalaka. Ideally 20-30 Samyakdagdha Vrana is made if once Shalaka is heated. So single metal Shalaka is not much liable to use.
  • Prof. P.D. Gupta innovated Panchadhatu Shalaka is considered to as ideal as 20-30 Samyaka Dagdha Vrana could be made satisfactorily after once heating and sustain heat.

Dahana Vishesa:

Dahana Vishesa implies the type of shape produced in the skin after Agnikarma.

Acharya Sushruta has mentioned four types:

  • Valaya– Figure of Circle or Round shape.
  • Bindu– Figure of dot shape
  • Vilekha– Figure of parallel line
  • Pratisarana– Figure after rubbing or scrapping nature.

Acharya Vagbhata has mentioned 3 more types of varieties in addition to the above four:

  • Ardhachandrakara– Semilunar shape
  • Swastika – four tailed mark
  • Astapada -eight tailed mark

Characteristics of Samyaka Dagdha Vrana

According to Dhatu:

Twak Dhatu Dagdha

  • Shabda Pradurbhava (Production of sound)
  • Durgandhata (Bad odor)
  • Twak Sankocha (Contraction of skin)

Mamsa Dhatu Dagdha

  • Kapota Varnata (Color like pigeon)
  • Alpa Shwayathu (Mild inflammation)
  • Alpa Vedana (Mild pain)
  • Shushka Sankuchita Vranata (Dry, contracted wound)

Sira, Snayu Dagdha

  • Krishna Varnata (Black discoloration)
  • Unnata Vranata (Elevated)
  • Srava Sannirodha (Stoppage of discharge)

Asthi, Sandhi Dagdha –

  • Rukshata (Dryness)
  • Arunata (Dark red coloration)
  • Karkashata (Roughness)
  • Sthirata (Stability)

Principles of Agnikarma:

  • Agnikarma Yogya KalaAny season except Summer (Greeshma) and autumn (Sharad) as it favours chances of Pitta Prokopa and complications but in emergency Paratyanika Vidhi (by adopting proper counter measures) is adapted. Dalhana has advised to cover the body or the site of Agnikarma with moist cloth, use of cold foods and drinks, applying pastes which have cooling effect etc. as counter methods to pacify the effect of burning.
  • Diet before Agnikarma Chikitsa: – Sushruta mentioned that patients should Pichhila Ahara (rice and curd) before procedure by in all disease or seasons except Ashmari, Bhagandara, Arsha and Mukha Roga. Acharya Dalhana has specified the reason that Pichhila Ahara suppresses the Pitta Dosha by virtue of its Sheeta, Mridu and Pichhila Virya.

Agnikarma Shreshthatav: (Superiority of Thermal Cautery)

  • ShreshthatavAgni (fire) assumed as superior strata then Kshara (alkali) for burning Agnikarma eliminate reoccurance. And also untreatable diseases from application of medicines, sharp instruments and alkalis are also curable by Agnikarma.

क्षारादग्निर्गरीयान्क्रियासुव्याख्यातः, तद्दग्धानांरोगाणामपुनर्भावाद्भेषजशस्त्रक्षारैरसाध्यानांतत्साध्यत्वाच्च| (सु.सू– १२/१)

  • Nirjevanu KaranAcharya Sushruta had mentioned that Agnitapta Shastras used for Chhedana to prevent sepsis in surgical procedure.

अग्नितप्तेनशस्त्रेणछिन्द्यान्मधुसमायुतम्|| (सु.चि.– २/४२)

  • Agnikarma is also useful after Shastra karma to avoid recurrence i.e., Kadara
  • Pradhanatwat – Considered superior then other Para surgical modalities
  • Vishishtopakram vatAgni regarded Vishishta in Upakarmas.
  • Sonitastnapantvat– Used to check bleeding as in Modern Surgery as Cautery.
  • Curative PropertyAgnikarma eradicates diseases from its root.
  • Ashu Kriya Karanatvat – It has an immediate action and emergency situation.
  • Sarva Tantra Samanyatvat -It brings all the organ system in a state of homeostasis.


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