What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is basically an inflammation just like other tissues but this inflammation is related to joints. It can not be avoided as bone joints as a basic inclusive part of any movement of the body. It’s a big myth that arthritis is an age-related disorder rather than that it can happen in the middle age group of working individuals of any sex, as most individuals are unaware of their joint care or health.


Arthritis is not merely an inflammation of one or more joints but it also causes wear and tears to peripheral cartilage leading to joint swelling, tenderness, and restricted joint movement. Cartilage is mainly a protective, shock absorber and functions as a friction reducer for joints and therefore it promote proper and smooth movements of joints. Further, damage to cartilage leads to the rubbing of bones together which brings inflammatory changes to joints and causes tenderness, swelling, and restricted joint movements.

In such conditions, there is a need to consult a doctor. Initially, you may get relief from anti-inflammatory, analgesics, and muscle relaxants. But in the latter condition, it may as worse as a requirement of joint replacement surgery in certain cases.

Causes of Arthritis ( Sandhigata Vata Nidana)

  • Continues bearing of stress due to postural habits like occupational
  • Hormonal imbalances such as in pregnancy
  • Disease initiated like in Thyroid Typhoid or Dengue
  • Trauma
  • Bone fracture 
  • Twisting or jerking of joint
  • Internal infection by bacteria or viruses
  • Age-related
  • Autoimmune disorders like RA

Sign and Symptoms

  • Joint pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness or restricted joint movement
  • Raised temperature in and around the joint
  • Crepitation (‘Click’ sound on the movement of the joint)
  • Gait Disturbance


Accordingly as time passes, the injury heals level of inflammation gets reduced. Elimination of inflammation or causative factors moves toward healthy joint conditions and complaints disappear gradually. But this process usually takes somehow longer times if not treated properly. However, taking anti-inflammatory and analgesics may cause some other adverse effects also. So, in Ayurveda, there are some very effective, economical, and with very less or almost nil harmful effects. Below is the list of some of the available treatment modalities to treat Arthritis which in Ayurved stands for Sandhi-Gata- Vata. 

  • Decoction (Kwatha) like Dashmoola Kwath, Rasnasaptak Kwath, Punaranakasthak Kwath, Erand Moola Kwath, etc.
  • Guggulu like Vatahari Guggulu, Yogaraj Guggulu, Triyodasang Guggulu, Sinhanaad Guggulu etc.
  • Herbal Single drugs like Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Asthishrinkhala, Ajmoda, etc.
  • Herbo-mineral drugs like Vatavidhavanshak Rasa, Vatagajankush Rasa, Shanka Bhasma etc.
  • Oil (Taila) Like-Narayana Taila, Mahanarayana Taila, Dashoola Taila, Malakanagni Taila, Murivena oil etc.



  • Marma-therapy
  • Eliminate causative factor
  • Yoga and relevant exercise.

Lastly apart from above mention medications and therapies, there are multiple options available to treat your joint pain or Arthritis, the whole of them are not listable. In case of woresn condition or to get more effective treatment please consult your nearby Ayurveda doctor. Avoid self-medication as it may show harmful or adverse effects.

Click here to get your appointment absolutely free to consult with Ayurveda experts.

Here is a recommendation of verified and clinically proven effective oils for joint pain relief. Click on the image to get to your doorstep


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